Friday, August 23, 2024



Edward R. Close

In the early evening of September 17, 1960, I made my way up the steep winding switchbacks of Mount Washington Drive, just north of downtown Los Angeles, much as I had many times before. Approaching the summit of this outlier of the Hollywood Hills, I turned right onto San Rafael Avenue just below the southwest corner of the beautiful, well-tended grounds of the International Headquarters of Self-Realization Fellowship. I was on my way there that particular evening for my initiation into the practice of Kriya Yoga. I found a place to park, and as I walked through the entrance gate of the SRF grounds and along the driveway beside the print shop toward the main building, I breathed in the subtle aroma of gardenias that were blooming somewhere nearby. I stopped and took a deep breath of the sweet fragrance. When I exhaled and relaxed, I felt the deep peace that pervades these hallowed grounds where saints have trod, filling my soul.


Kriya Yoga is an ancient scientific method designed to speed up the natural expansion of individualized consciousness and help wandering lost souls to reunite with the eternal reality of the Infinite Source. The gradual reuniting of your soul with the Infinite is accelerated when you choose to consciously focus on the life-sustaining energies that operate involuntarily in the respiratory and circulatory systems of your body. The practice of Kriya synchronizes these energies with the opposing energies flowing in the spine, and the outward flow of energy is slowed to the point of suspension, allowing the spiritual Light of Primary Consciousness to become directly perceptible in the spiritual eye. Over the past 64 years, I’ve found that the daily practice of the Kriya techniques that I began to learn that evening so long ago, have proved to be very practical, producing positive results that have greatly improved the quality of my life.


The initiation was being conducted that autumn evening by Sri Dayamata, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, who was the last of a revered lineage of Spiritual teachers originating in India. At the time of my initiation, Daya-ma, as we affectionately called her, had been President of SRF for five years, and I was living in Topanga Canyon, northwest of LA. I had been allowed to attend evening meditations with the monks on Mount Washington while I was studying a series of lessons that were written by Yogananda just before he entered Maha Samadhi, his final conscious exit from the physical world in 1952. Because I had been allowed to meditate and study with some of the most advanced kriya yogis alive at that time, I was able to finish the one-year preparatory course in just four months. I had passed the final exam, and I was prepared to be initiated that evening.


At the time, I didn’t fully understand what an honor it was to be accepted and initiated into this advanced spiritual practice by Sri Dayamata, the way I was. It wasn’t until years later that I realized that I had been involved in the effort to bring the science of Kriya Yoga into the modern world for a long time, especially during one of my previous lives in India and Tibet. There were indications of the importance of this initiation for me, and some of the other events in my life, That were accompanied by phenomenal bursts of spiritual light. The light I am talking about is not just the electromagnetic vibrations that enable us to see with our physical eyes, it is the total brilliance of the fundamental essence of light that emanates from the spiritual domain.


At one point in the ceremony, very suddenly, a fiery three-dimensional ball of light appeared, spinning only a few inches in front of my forehead, and I could see it with my eyes open or closed! I had never seen anything like this before, and I have not seen anything quite like it since. I accepted it as validation that this was the right spiritual path for me, but I didn’t know what it actually was. About ten years later, I described the initiation light that I experienced to one of the monks who was a direct disciple of Yogananda, and asked him what he thought it was, and why had it appeared to me? He said he thought it was an unusual blessing given to me by God through Dayamata, and that because I was a scientist, she knew that even a glimpse of the light emanating from the crown chakra would encourage me to embark on a study the spiritual eye and the source of spiritual light. Of course, she was right!


As I look back on my life of nearly ninety years now, I realize that the unusual spiritual light phenomena that I saw during many of the most important events of my life, including the spinning ball of light that I saw during my Kriya initiation, were glimpses of a much greater reality, perceived through the functioning of the spiritual eye, a feature of human consciousness sometimes called the “third eye”. Details about what the “third eye” is and how it functions is beyond the scope of this discussion, and I am constrained from discussing the details of the kriya initiation and the techniques taught by the SRF lineage of spiritual masters by policies that I agreed to long ago. It is still necessary to keep these policies in place to safeguard against the ego-based misuse of the consciousness-altering techniques of kriya. But I want to touch upon the nature of the eternal light of spirit and attempt to explain how it relates to physical light, the expansion of consciousness, and the all-important evolution of the human soul.


Individual realization of the true nature of reality is called enlightenment for a reason: The fabric of reality is light. Ultimate enlightenment is the realization that we are eternal beings of light, capable of expanding and contracting our bubbles of consciousness from one quantum to infinity. But when we choose to identify ourselves with physical bodies to experience physical pleasure and pain, we limit our growth and awareness to the space-time domain existing where the finite, quantized reality of the physical universe and the infinitely continuous multi-dimensional domain of spirit meet. Individual consciousness, as we know it, is a direct result of this intimate contact of the finite with the infinite. It is as if we have our feet planted in two different boats, each moving on the waters of existence at different rates of speed, in different directions. Unless we realize that we are beings of light, capable of expanding beyond space and time, then, at critical junctures, we must endure great pain and suffering as we are forced to choose just one of one of the two boats.


That evening in the autumn of 1960, I saw the pure light emanating from the multi-dimensional domain of Spirit for the first time in this life, and it certainly encouraged me to get to work on expanding my consciousness. And I have since come to realize that the narrow band of electromagnetic energy that we perceive shining through the limited space and time of the physical world, is only a faint reflection of the awesomely beautiful spiritual light that illuminates the spiritual domain of the soul.


Every life in the physical world provides us with opportunities to learn and grow spiritually, i.e., to become more and more enlightened. So, in case someone might be interested, I will attempt to summarize what I have learned as a result of using the kriya consciousness expanding techniques for 64 years, starting with some astoundingly profound truths. But first, I must clarify what makes a truth profound, as opposed to a less important, trivial truth. Danish physicist Niels Bohr explained this distinction when he said: “The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false, while the opposite of a profound truth is also true.” You may find this statement somewhat confusing, but it provides a way to distinguish between a profound truth and a trivial truth. Here are some important examples:


1.   There is no such thing as nothing.  This is a profound truth arising from the fact that there is something real that does exist. The undeniable truth that ‘something exists’ implies that the exact opposite statement, i.e.: ‘nothing does not exist’ is also true.


2.   A state of absolute nothingness never existed and will never exist. Profound truth #1 and its opposite, coupled with the law of conservation of mass and energy, verified by every scientific experiment ever performed, allows us to definitively answer the question that the German polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz called the first and most important question that science should ask: Why is there something rather than nothing? The profound truth that a state in which something presently exists, coupled with the universal law of the conservation of matter and energy implies that ‘a state of nothingness’ can never have existed, cannot exist now, and will never exist in the future. Thus, the popular big bang theory of the origin of the universe as an explosion of something from nothing, is pure science fiction. Something has always existed.


3.   Reality is the sum total of everything that has ever existed, exists now, and will ever exist. This profound truth is implied by profound truth #2 with the realization that space-time has no existence of its own.


These three profound truths verify Planck’s breakthrough realization that he described with the following statements: “There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind, and this mind is the matrix of all matter.” As we shall see, Planck’s realization leads to a picture of reality very different from the materialistic belief of mainstream science.


It’s very important to note that Albert Einstein agreed with his good friend and colleague, Max Planck. Einstein said: “Concerning matter, we've been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to a point of visibility; there is no matter.”


Einstein added to Planck’s enlightenment regarding the fundamental variables of physics by pointing out that proof of general relativity implies that the assumption that space is a uniformly existing background, in which all things exist, was also wrong. In June 1952, less than three years before his death in April 1855, in a special appendix to his popular book titled Relativity, the Special and the general Theory, a Clear Explanation that Anyone Can Understand, He made this point, stating that “Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way, the concept of ‘empty space’ loses its meaning, and space can claim no existence of its own.


From 1981 until 1986, while living and working in the Middle East, I had time between jobs to do some serious thinking about what these bombshell statements made by Planck and Einstein really meant. I reasoned that if the common assumptions about the most basic variables of our scientific model of physical reality, i.e., matter, energy, space, and time, that seemed so obvious were wrong, then our model of the nature of reality, being based on those assumptions was also wrong.


If Planck and Einstein were right, the concept of matter measured in units of mass mathematically equivalent to a huge number of units of energy determined by the equation E = mc2, with the concept of energy measured in units defined by the amount of force required to move the mass of an electron through a unit of space in a unit of time, and all four variables are dependent upon the “existence of a conscious and intelligent mind”, then a new calculus, a new mathematical logic that includes a unitary measure of consciousness was needed. So, I began working to adapt G. Spencer Brown’s primary calculus of mathematical logic, as defined in his book Laws of Form, for application to, and analysis of the interface of consciousness with relativistic, quantized physical reality. No small task.


I realized that to create an internally consistent quantum calculus designed to deal with the infinite continuity of mind interacting with the finite quantized nature of physical reality in a mathematically and logically consistent manner, I had to define a basic quantum equivalence unit for all of the fundamental units of measurement. To avoid the inconsistency of the basic unit of consciousness turning out to be mathematically incommensurable with the basic units of mass, energy, space, and time, the basic quantum equivalence unit had to be based on the mass or equivalent energy and the volume of the smallest sub-atomic entity, which happens to be the free electron. To emphasize the unit’s dimensionality, I called this basic unit of the calculus the triadic rotational unit of equivalence (TRUE).


At this point, an important question arises: What if mind and matter are intrinsically incommensurable? If so, consciousness can’t be quantized in any logically consistent way. The obvious way around this conundrum is: If physical reality reflects the logical structure of Primary Consciousness, it will be internally consistent only if the logic of Primary Consciousness is internally consistent. The fact that we exist in a complex, highly structured physical universe that appears to conform to a set of cause-and-effect laws that we are able to discover, and are in the process of discovering, suggests that the logical structure of Primary Consciousness is internally consistent. The bottom line is that the way forward is to assume that Primary Consciousness and its reflection in physical reality are logically consistent and proceed to define the most basic quantum equivalence unit by setting both the mass-energy equivalence and volume of the free electron to unity and see what happens. In other words, the proof is in the pudding!  


When I applied the electron-based quantum calculus to the analysis of the logical structure of the most stable object in the universe, the proton, the quantized measure of organization linking the conscious intelligent mind with physical reality emerged as the third form of the essence of reality with no intrinsic mass or energy. We, Dr. Vernon Neppe and I, chose to represent this new variable with Gimel, the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet.


Converting the total mass and energy of the proton to TRUE units of energy, we found that without the presence of a specific number of mass-less, energy-less units of Gimel contributing to the total volume and angular momentum of the proton, it would not be stable. Including the units of mass-less Gimel allowed us to calculate the exact mass and volume of the stable hydrogen atom in TRUE units. The addition of units of Gimel in subatomic structure also allowed us to calculate the exact mass and volume of the neutron and explain how and why neutrons are formed in the more complex atoms of the periodic table. The success of this preliminary application of the new calculus was encouraging.


We found that every stable atom contains the specific number of TRUE units of Gimel that are needed to make it geometrically symmetric and stable. We were not surprised to find that the elements and compounds that have the most Gimel are the elements that support intelligent forms of life. Happily, the existence of Gimel also explains many, if not all of the paradoxical puzzles and the “weirdness” of quantum physics that physicists like to talk about. With dozens of successful resolutions of the logical paradoxes of particle physics and some predictions verified experimentally, we consider the theory we called the Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) no longer hypothetical, and the original assumption of a logically consistent electron-based quantum equivalence unit has been verified.


The presence of volumetric quantum equivalence units (TRUE) of Gimel in atomic structure turns out to be mathematically related to the wave lengths and frequencies of light released by radioactive decay. The exact volume of TRUE units of the orbital electrons and Gimel existing in each energy shell explains the complex electron energy-shell geometry of atom structure. I want to use the rest of this discussion to focus on the knowledge of this intimate relationship of Gimel to consciousness and light at the quantum level because I  believe that a deeper understanding of this relationship can help us to understand how meditation techniques like Kriya can accelerate the growth of mental and spiritual virtue and affect positive results in the physical world that could very well save human civilization from self-destruction and extinction on this planet.


The discovery of Gimel and its role as the measurable organizer of subatomic structure, provides us with a new understanding that allows us to focus on ways that we can consciously connect with the infinite continuity of Primary Consciousness while occupying finite physical bodies. Visualizing the geometry of progressive unitary projection into hyperspace provides us with a way to project our individualized consciousness from the finite, quantized world of physical existence into the infinitely continuous domain of Spirit. This is possible only if the most basic phenomena that make up all aspects of reality, including mass, energy, gimel, and consciousness, is light.


The images of the reality that we are aware of through our senses, we conceptualize in our minds as objects interacting in space and time according to the logic and intent of Primary Consciousness, and we call our descriptions of the elements of that primary logic that we have been able to discover and formalize in the language of mathematics, the laws of nature. I am forever grateful for the realizations of the Spiritual Masters of all times and for the insights of Einstein, Planck, and Bohr, that led to the discovery of Gimel, the link between mind and matter, between the finite and the infinite, because otherwise, most of us alive on this planet today would only be able to imagine what it might be like to experience the perfection from which the divine light that forms all of reality radiates.


As conscious beings, we can never be satisfied with the forms that manifest at the low vibratory energy levels available to us as finite physical beings evolving toward the perfection of the infinite, timeless, all-pervasive expanding form of Primary Consciousness that we so imperfectly reflect. What we see and think of as solid matter and tangible energy in the form of objects and living beings in the dimensions of space and time, are really only incomplete images of perfect forms, vibrating and flickering like faint reflections of the divine light dancing in the multi-dimensional domain of Primary Consciousness.


Individual conscious beings in the physical universe are animated and motivated by an innate desire to live, feel, and experience progressively greater dimensional domains of reality. This innate desire for more awareness originates in the spiritual nature of the substrate of reality coming out of Primary Consciousness, and it drives the long-term physical, mental, and spiritual evolution of cosmological reality. Understanding this intellectually is the first, and unfortunately, the easiest step toward conscious positive expansion of individualized consciousness. The concrete visualization of a path from intellectual understanding to spiritual enlightenment is possible in one lifetime for any human being alive on this planet, but the road from imagination to actualization is very difficult. Thinking about enlightenment and actually achieving it are two very different things.


Fortunately, help is available from a few historical figures who have achieved ultimate enlightenment and in the teachings of others who have achieved high levels of enlightenment beyond that available to the average person. You will be able to find the enlightened souls, whether they are in physical form or not, when your urgent need to know the true nature of reality becomes greater than your desire for physical pleasure. If you seek them in earnest, and you develop the ability to see the divine light of the spiritual eye, then you will know them by the light that shines within them and by the fruits of their actions.


As we descended from the last highest age of mental and spiritual virtue into the dark age that reached the lowest point around 500 A.D., techniques for consciousness expansion were still being taught by a few individuals who reached the ultimate enlightenment as spiritual masters in previous lives. Small groups developed in the presence of these special beings to enjoy the loving fellowship they engendered, but when they were gone, the groups they established soon devolved into social organizations that we now call religions, as their teachings were subverted by political opportunists incapable of understanding the actual meaning and intent of the teachings, into ways and means to control people.


Fortunately, the essence of the knowledge and technologies developed during previous ages of enlightenment are stored in stone structures around the world both by technological means and natural processes. Such storage comprises the planet’s memory and preserves information that might have otherwise disappeared along with most of the evidence of the last post-materialist civilizations, destroyed by natural weathering, cataclysmic volcanic eruptions, and platonic subduction. We should also be thankful that practical methods of consciousness expansion like the kriya techniques mentioned here have been preserved by a few advanced souls reincarnated for the specific purpose of helping humanity survive. Thankfully, the knowledge and wisdom needed for spiritual evolution is never completely lost. But, because of the great disparity between the slow progress of cosmic time and the brief endurance of human life, the efforts of individual lives may seem tragically futile unless effective consciousness-expanding spiritual techniques like kriya are known and practiced diligently.


Research and application of the mathematical logic of the quantum calculus has proved that the structures of energy and mass that comprise physical reality are stable only because of the existence of Gimel, and total mass as energy and Gimel are conserved in every experiment and observable natural process. Therefore, Gimel and the consciousness its existence implies have always existed and will always continue to exist, even if human beings foolishly destroy themselves during the dark ages of mechanistic materialism.


Primary Consciousness is expanding into and back out of the infinity of itself in hyper-dimensional reality, but the individualized bubbles of consciousness that we possess as human beings in the four dimensions of space-time, are capable of expanding and contracting. This is what makes practices like the kriya techniques so useful. To understand how and why an energy focusing technique like kriya can be very practical and effective as a spiritual practice, it is helpful to think of reality, from electrons to atoms, from molecules to living cells, from plants and animals to human beings, and everything else that exists in the universe, as consisting of light.


By simply beginning to concentrate on the sensations of your breath flowing in and out of your lung as light, you can gradually increase your awareness of other deeper, more subtle movements of energy in your body that are associated with consciousness, and become aware of the movement of consciousness itself, as light.


There are some venerable traditions hidden within the major religions of this world, discounted by modern science as arcane and mysterious at best, that are remnants of the original teachings of fully realized spiritual masters from previous cycles of enlightenment. These venerable spiritual traditions include Sufism in Islam, Tibetan Yoga, Zen Buddhism, Jewish and Christian Mysticism, Sikhism, Jainism, various forms of Raja Yoga in Hinduism, and other cultural traditions now forgotten and/or hidden in the illusions of space-time and matter. All of these traditions contain some form of concentration on the spiritual light of the soul, similar to the kriya techniques. For example, Sufi Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan advises the advanced seeker to “fashion a body of light and become a being of light”.


Everything is ultimately made of some form of light, and every conscious entity has a radiant aura of light associated with its existence. Subtle spiritual bodies exist, whether you can see them or not. But, if you see no light within yourself, don’t be discouraged. With some determination and effort, you may be able to tap into the spiritual structures manifested by some of the various traditions mentioned above. Jesus, as a Rabbi teaching his followers how to pray and how to live, is quoted in the Book of Matthew saying, “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” I can attest to the truth of this, having experienced it personally on occasion while focusing on the light of the spiritual eye.


Based on experiences with the higher-dimensional phenomena of spiritual light like the one I’ve discussed here, I conclude that physical vision is a dim reflection of spiritual vision, and I believe that “if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light” was a metaphor that an enlightened man named Jesus used to direct spiritual seekers to turn their attention to the spiritual reality within. If we consciously withdraw the energy normally wasted on distractions and focus it on the spiritual eye and the light existing within, then we can allow the whole spectrum of the light of Primary Consciousness to fill our minds and bodies, and God’s healing Love will begin to manifest in our lives.

ERC 8/23/2024

Saturday, March 23, 2024




Why should scientists - or anyone else - learn how to meditate? Answer: because one cannot describe what one has not experienced, and the only thing we experience directly is our own consciousness. As human beings, most of Reality is outside of the sphere of individual consciousness. Without direct experience of Reality, one can only imagine and hypothesize about what the nature of Reality might be. That’s why the world is awash in theories about what could be, and there is a great thirst for the Reality that is.

While theories about Reality may be good, and they may be partly true, they will never explain the Reality that actually exists. Fortunately, the universe exists primarily to offer possibilities for conscious beings to  experience Reality; but, before you can have a direct experience of anything, you must dissolve the blinding bubble of belief that you have created around yourself by your own ego identification. Dissolving that illusive bubble is what meditation is all about.

I was born as Edward Roy Close in 1936, and partly because I remembered past lives in Tibet, India, the Middle East, and Europe, I chose to be a scientist this time, earned degrees in mathematics, physics, and  environmental engineering, and studied the metaphysics behind the world’s major religions on the side, so that I could learn - and/or remember -how to meditate. Unfortunately, most mainstream scientists are too ego bound at present to even consider learning how to meditate, thereby missing the main point of being conscious by limiting their investigations to the dead-end belief system of materialism. Fortunately, a few of us are beginning to see beyond the cage of our physical limitations and may eventually escape into the greater Reality of Cosmic Consciousness. I am blessed to have met some who have.

Sri Daya Mata, the President and spiritual leader of Self-Realization Fellowship was one, and she initiated me into the practice of Kirya Yoga on September 17, 1960, in Los Angeles. In the 1960’s and 70’s, while I was working for the Department of Interior in Arlington Virginia as one of the seven charter members of the Government’s first Environmental Systems Group, I wrote and/or co-authored a number of papers on the mathematical modelling of environmental systems. I also completed the first year of my PhD program at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore Maryland during that time, and I wrote my first book between 1969 and 1972.  At the same time, I  was meditating daily using the Kriya techniques, and serving as the Self-Realization Meditation Group Leader in Washington DC. I called the book I was writing “The Book of Atma”. It was published by Libra Publishers in New York in 1977. In it, I tried to describe some of what I had learned from my meditation experiences.

Chapter II of the Book of Atma was about Meditation. In it I pointed out the fact that the experience of meditation is more difficult to describe than the taste of a tree-ripened mango or the exhilaration of sky diving, and that one should not confuse meditation techniques with meditation consciousness. They are two different things. The Kriya techniques, designed to align body and mind with spirit, were passed down from an age of higher mental and spiritual virtue. See The Holy Science by Sri Yukteswar Giri and The Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahamsa Yogananda, for details.

In 1989, after spending a few years in the Middle East, and some time in India, I published my second book, Infinite Continuity, a book introducing the calculus of distinctions, which  reconciles relativity with quantum theory. Before it was published, I sent a  copy of the manuscript to Stephen Hawking, asking him to review it. Being an atheist, he didn’t like it and saw it as pantheism. Infinite Continuity has been out of print for more than thirty years now because of lack of interest.  Most scientists were not willing to invest the time and effort it takes to learn a new mathematical logic linking consciousness with relativity and quantum physics – or, for that matter, even to learn how to meditate.

In 1996 at the University of Arizona, during the Tucson II conference Toward a Science of Consciousness, I presented a short infinite-descent proof of the existence of non-quantum receptors in consciousness. That presentation, along with other things I had learned in meditation, became the basis of my third book, Transcendental Physics, ISBN 0-934426-78-3, Paradigm Press, 1997, and a later edition, ISBN  0-595-09175-X was published by iUniverse in 2001.

Between sessions of the week-long meeting in Tucson, I was able to meet many of the leading thinkers in consciousness studies from all around the world. During a brief encounter with one of them, who happened to be a Nobel-Prize winning physicist, I asked him if he had started meditating yet. He reacted as if I had suggested that he should try to contact space aliens with a Ouija board! I had read some of his work, so I knew that he wouldn’t be that open-minded; but I thought since he was presenting at this meeting, he might be interested in learning how to expand his consciousness to become more self-aware and less self-absorbed! Apparently not!

The meditation consciousness that can be experienced through the regular and prolonged practice of Kriya Yoga can include the ability to descend to the quantum level of physical reality and see electrons, quarks, protons, neutrons, and atoms. This ability is known by advanced yogis as a siddhi (mental virtue) called Anima in Sanskrit. Using it, you can see that the elementary objects that make up the physical universe are not particles, they are energy vortices in the substrate of Reality. 

Monday, February 26, 2024




Yes, it is true, as Albert Einstein said, you can live your life as if everything is a miracle, or as if everything is ordinary.

It is also true, as Niels Bohr said, that the opposite of an ordinary truth is a falsity, but the opposite of a profound truth may also be another profound truth!

Now, recall that in Hamlet, William Shakespeare said: “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

From these three quotes from three famously wise people, I have to conclude that I may choose to experience reality as very common and ordinary, or as divinely miraculous, and this choice can yield one of two profoundly different results: either the experience of misery and boredom, or joy and ecstasy!


Plrase feel free to browse the 600 discussions addressinf science and spirituality poste here.

Saturday, February 24, 2024




There’s a lot of talk these days about re-imagining things, like re-imagining the meaning of words, re-imagining gender, re-imagining government, re-imagining civilization, and re-imagining life in general. But there is a problem with this: To believe that you can re-imagine reality, you have to imagine that you were the one who imagined it in the first place.

There is a kernel of truth in thinking that you might be able to re-imagine things that are difficult in your life, but trying to re-imagine something that is objectively real, something that you did not yourself imagine in the first place, is fraught with challenges and some dangers that have to do with human error and a basic mis-understanding about what time is. To try to explain what I mean by this, I will relate things that have happened to me during my lifetime that led me to the discovery of gimmel, the non-physical third form of reality, existing in addition to mass and energy.

I was born in 1936, just after the ‘great depression’ in the San Francois Mountains of Southeast Missouri, to monetarily poor descendants of European immigrants. My father was twenty-eight years old, and my mother was only nineteen when they fell in love, and all they had when they married was twenty dollars and their clothes. When my mother was a little girl, her mother made her clothes from cloth cut from flour sacks. By today’s standards, my folks were very poor, but they were rich in the traditions of rural American families who worked hard, grew their own food, and lived normal lives, close to the land and nature.  

My father, born in 1908, served four years in the US Army (1925 -1929), and he volunteered again in 1941, to serve in the Navy until the end of World War II. At the war’s end, he was a petty officer in the Amphibian Scouts and Raiders, later to be known as the Navy Seals. My mother and I traveled by train from Arcadia Missouri to Ft. Pierce Florida in the Summer of 1945, to be with him for a few days before he was transferred to Treasure Island in the San Francisco Bay to be part of the invasion of Japan that was planned to occur in November 1945, in retaliation for the Japanese surprise attack bombing of Pearl Harbor Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, killing 2,403 Americans and wounding about 1,200 more, including military personnel and civilians

The invasion of Japan never happened because of the first, and so far the only deliberate use of atomic bombs to kill human beings. Approximately 200,000 Japanese were killed by atomic blasts detonated over Hiroshima and Nagasaka Japan on August 6 and August 9, 1945. The horror of those bombings ended World War II and saved the lives of thousands of US sailors and marines, including that of my father. The military strategists planning the invasion had expected in excess of 90% casualties in the first-wave amphibian forces, because the Japanese, including nearly all civilian males, were eager to die honorable deaths defending their homeland in classic Samurai fashion.

As a pre-teen child living in the hills of Southern Missouri during WWII, I didn’t experience the horrors of the War directly, but I remember the air-raid drills, food rationing, news reels in the local movie theater, and daily radio reports very well, and things that happened to me personally during the decade of the 1940s and something that happened to me in the Great Pyramid in Egypt in 2010, caused me to think of time in a very different way than most people do. Those events included a number of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and two near-death-experiences (NDEs) The first NDE occurred when I was struck by lightning in 1947. I have related details of my memory of those experiences in my autobiography, so I won’t take the time or space to do that again here and focus instead on the insights they gave me into the nature of time.

As I’ve reported in a number of blogposts and published books and papers, I agree with Albert Einstein, who concluded, based on the implications of general relativity, that empty space “has no claim to an existence of its own”. Similarly, time also has no claim to an existence of its own. Put another way: space has no meaning without the existence of objects, and time has no meaning without the occurrence of events. These conclusions have some far-reaching implications about the nature of reality, that I have talked about in other posts and publications, so here, I will focus only on what they reveal about the nature of time.

Time, specifically the observation and measurement of time, depends upon the functioning of consciousness in the 3-D physical domain, and consciousness, as experienced by most of us, most of the time, only allows us to perceive the one quantum of time that we think of as the present. As long as one identifies as a physical body with all of its limitations, the past is always gone, and the future is yet to come. As physical beings, part of something called “reality”, the only time we ever experience is the present in the ‘here and now’. But the gift of consciousness comes with the ability to remember the past and imagine the future, giving us the illusion of the existence of a continuous timeline. But OBEs and NDEs dispel this illusion, showing us that all things that exist, ever existed, or will ever exist are available in the eternal here and now.

For example, after my first NDE when I was an eleven-year-old, that occurred when I was struck by lightning while swimming in a creek, I began to have occasional spontaneous OBEs, during which I saw things existing beyond the quantized space-time domain of the here and now. Some of the things I saw were independently verified almost immediately after the OBEs that revealed them, while others were not verified until years later. Most of the things I saw seemed trivial and unimportant to me at the time, including even some memories of past lives. I never shared those memories with anyone until I began to realize that they were not just imaginative dreams, many years later.

In the summer of 1951, after discovering the work of Albert Einstein, I had an OBE, the impact of which assured me that I would become a scientist following in Einstein’s footsteps, and after earning degrees in mathematics, physics, and environmental science and engineering, and several years of studying consciousness, in late February and early March of 2010, sixty-three years after my first NDE, I had another one in the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau in Egypt. You can find more detail about this second NDE by searching for ‘The Great Pyramid’ in the archives on this blogsite, and I have shared even more detail in my autobiography.

Like my first NDE, this one also involved a discharge of electricity, but it was much more intense and traumatic than the first one. Others who were in the Pyramid near me when it happened, actually saw the discharge, and I still have a scar where it struck my forehead. I realized later that all of this was only the outer evidence of the rapid down-loading of an amazing amount of complex information that went on continually for two days.

Every time I closed my eyes, even after I was carried out of the Great Pyramid, I saw a continual flow of faces and symbols, and heard a stream of voices speaking in several different languages. This didn’t end until we were in the Ancient City of Petra in Jordan two days later. After that, I had several interesting Deja-vu experiences during the next three days on Mount Nebo where Moses died, and on the Jordan River where John baptized Jesus. A few years later, in a chance meeting with a psychic who had authored a book on Pyramid Energy, a popular subject in the 1970s, I was told that my experience in the Great Pyramid was part of a world-wide shift in human consciousness.

All of the OBEs I have had over my eighty-seven plus years, especially those that were connected with these NDEs, confirmed my conclusions about the nature of time and strengthened and deepened my understanding of the relationship of space and time to consciousness. Spatial dimensions are a sub-set of the dimensions of time, and time dimensions are a sub-set of the dimensions of consciousness, and Primary Consciousness is the infinite substrate in which all nine finite dimensional domains of space, time, and consciousness exist. What does this mean? It means that we have access, through our connection with Primary Consciousness, with all existential events, past, present, and future. It means that we are immortal souls, sleep-walking on this planet until we finally wake up to who we really are and what our purpose is!

Back home, when I continued pursuing the work on the consciousness research started in 2008 with Dr. Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, the founder of the Pacific Institute of Neuropsychiatry, I began to understand some of the information downloaded into my brain in the Great Pyramid and see how it related to relativistic experiments with clocks and measuring devices moving at high rates of speed and quantum physics experiments like the double-slit, delayed-choice experiment. I also began to see how those experiments actually confirmed my NDE-and-OBE-based conclusions about the nature of the 9-D space-time-consciousness dimensional domain, containing the mass-energy-consciousness substance of reality.

By application of the existential quantum mathematics of the Calculus of Dimensional Distinctions (CoDD), with the natural triadic rotational units of equivalence (TRUE) defined as the basic quantum equivalence unit, I concluded that time has three dimensions, analogous to the triadic dimensionality of space, and colleagues started asking, “what are the 3 dimensions of time?” Stephen Hawking, the famous author of A Brief History of Time,  after a brief review of the early manuscript of my book Infinite Continuity, a book about reconciling relativity and quantum physics with applications of the CoDD, said: “I cannot imagine three dimensions of time!”

A common statement I heard very often, was “We know what the three dimensions of space are, but what are the three dimensions of time?” This statement is perfectly emblematic of the common mis-understanding most people have about the nature of time, a common error that I am addressing here. Most people think that they know what the three dimensions of space are. Ask anyone, and they will very likely say “length, width and depth”, or some similar expression about the measurement of things. But such an answer does not define the concept of ‘space’, it only describes an imaginary framework for measuring the geometry of objects and the distances between them.

Space, as Einstein discovered, has no existence of its own, and time is exactly the same kind of non-existent conceptual fiction as space, created for the purpose of measuring the extent of duration between observed events. The problem with this is that these conceptual fictions lead us to the belief that there is a universal ether-like space-time backdrop in which objectivity reality exists and occurs, but a uniform space-time background demonstrably does not exist. Time is not something that flows at the same rate throughout the universe. The extent of its duration depends upon the variables of relative motion and mass and energy of the object observed and that of the observer.

Space-time dimensions are simply variables of extent. My late wife Jacqui was not a university-trained mathematician, but she understood this intuitively. In the lyrics of a song that she composed in the early 1970s, while working for Frank and Nancy Sinatra Music in Nashville, she wrote: “Time is just the distance between what I am and what I shall become.”

Space-time dimensions are measured in terms of variables of extent, and they actually have no existence of their own. It is the contents of the domain they define that has substance and meaning. Space-time is non-existent without content and intent, and any description of reality that does not include all of the basic variables of content, extent, and intent, i.e., mass, energy, space, time, and consciousness, is incomplete.

The variables of extent, i.e., the variables of space, time, and individual consciousness, are dependent upon the substantial content of mass, energy, and individualized consciousness, and the intent of individual and Primary Consciousness, for meaning and purpose. The three dimensions of time are local time, planetary time, and cosmic time, but they have no existence or meaning, unless they describe the extent of events involving quanta of mass, energy, and consciousness existing in the domain they frame, and, finally, as discussed earlier, consciousness, like mass and energy, measured in quantum equivalence units of gimmel, only occurs in whole-number units.

Discovery of the mathematical proof of the existence of quantum equivalent units of gimmel, the massless organizer stabilizing every proton in existence, was intellectually satisfying from my point of view, but it raised a new persistent question that came from friends and colleagues, as well as from materialist skeptics in mainstream science. That question was: ‘Exactly what is gimmel?’ It wasn’t long before I realized how similar this question was to the question ‘What is consciousness?’

Like consciousness, gimmel cannot be defined in terms of anything else, because, just like Max Planck said, We cannot get behind consciousness”, we also cannot get behind gimmel when describing stable physical reality! So, gimmel is the measure of consciousness that exists in every proton and every electron shell, organizing every atom of every element of the periodic table! But now, a still deeper question arises: How does gimmel, the measurable aspect of consciousness, relate to the three dimensions of time? The answer to this question lies in the logic of the geometric symmetry organized by gimmel in atomic structure, individual consciousness, and the cosmos.

Returning to the statement above, declaring that the three dimensions of time are local time, planetary time, and cosmic time, let’s focus on them one at a time: Local time is what an individual soul experiences when identified with a physical body. It is based on the motions of localized biological processes. Planetary time is periodic and symmetric, based on the motion of the planet in the solar system, and cosmic time is based on the measurement of the speed of light. All of these measurements of time can be made commensurable in TRUE units by setting the speed of light equal to one.

This naturalization of the speed of light links all objective measurements of existential phenomena to TRUE, allowing us to convert all unitary systems of measurement, including Planck units and SI units, to TRUE and express the laws governing the form and substance of reality in Diophantine equations reflecting the underlying logic of Primary Consciousness. That’s why the CoDD produces so many explanations and resolutions of contradictions and paradoxes in mainstream science.

Now, we are finally ready to produce a definitive answer to the question asked in the title of this blog post: “Can we re-imagine reality?” The answer is really very simple: We can re-imagine our own subjective conceptual models of reality by changing our own a priori assumptions to be more nearly aligned with the logic of Primary Consciousness; but we cannot re-imagine existential reality. It is what it is. At the present time in planetary chronology, we have about 25% free will. The other 75% of experience is predetermined by the logic of Primary Consciousness, traditionally known as “the will of God”.

We are now 424 Earth years into the 2400-year ascending Dwapara Yuga. As we traverse the remaining 10,376 years to the next Satya Yuga, the high point of physical, mental, and spiritual virtue, when the average conscious being will be one with Primary Consciousness,  with 100% free will. See Shri Yukteswar’s book The Holy Science for the best available explanation of planetary time.

ERC Petra 2010

Sunday, February 18, 2024




There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so!” - William Shakespeare, in Hamlet, Act II, Scene 2.

Je pensedonc je suis!” (I think, therefore I Am.) - René Descartes, the “first principle of philosophy” in Discourse on the Method.


According to these two famous quotes, the ability to think is an amazing gift from God that we have as human beings! Our ability to think implies existence and gives meaning to everything. But, what exactly is thinking? And who, or what is it, that thinks? Physicist Max Planck shed important light on these questions when he said:

We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we [think and] talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.

So, thinking is a function of consciousness. But then, we have to ask: ‘Exactly what is consciousness?’ The dictionary definition of consciousness is: “The state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings.” But upon analysis, we see that this doesn’t suffice as a definition because awareness and consciousness are not the same thing. One can be conscious without being aware of one’s surroundings. We find no definition of consciousness as a thing in and of itself, without reference to the physical senses, yet we know that a person who is asleep and deprived of all sense stimuli is still conscious.

Are consciousness and biological life the same thing? No. Verified OBEs and NDEs are proof that they are not. Our very best scientists and philosophers admit that they do not know what consciousness is in the same way we know what awareness and cognition are. We can see why this is the case, when we realize that the process of trying to investigate consciousness scientifically is like an eye trying to look at itself without a mirror. As Planck’s statement implies, we cannot look at consciousness from a point outside of consciousness.

Is thinking and being the same thing, as Descartes implies? I don’t think so. Thinking in the words of a language of some sort is just one function, perhaps just one of the simplest functions of consciousness after the act of drawing the distinction of self from other-than-self. Other functions of consciousness include identifying with the distinction of self, focusing and organizing distinctions in self and other-than-self into logical patterns, and experiencing a range of qualia. Note: Qualia (Latin singular: quale, meaning kind of experience) is a term that philosophers use to describe the properties of our conscious experience of objective phenomena. In other words, qualia are the details that we are aware of in reality and/or in our personal model of reality, based on memories of personal experience.

Attempting to define consciousness is an exercise that very quickly leads to a spiral of circular reasoning into the heart of creativity and a new understanding of language, mathematics, and logic. It’s like looking into a dictionary to learn what a particular word means and finding, within the definition given in the dictionary, another word, the meaning of which is also unknown. Then, of course, you have to look up the definition of that word, only to find that it is defined using the word we were looking up in the first place!

There actually is no ultimate definition of consciousness possible because, as Planck says, we cannot get behind consciousness. We can talk about what consciousness feels like, what it enables us to do, what it is similar to, what forms it can take, but not what it actually is, because everything else we experience depends on the existence of consciousness, and ultimately, the existence of consciousness in objective reality is a paradox. I am motivated to paraphrase quantum physicist Niels Bohr: How wonderful it is that we have uncovered a paradox, because now we have an opportunity to make some real progress! The paradox of the ‘a prior’ existence of consciousness is the key to understanding the nature of reality and even to understanding the nature of human existence.

Considering the nature of human existence, I want to encourage you to read Extracts from Adam’s Diary by Mark Twain. Not only is it a very humorous commentary on the biblical book of Genesis and the meaning of words, but it is also an entertaining look at the basic man-woman relationship. Adam blames everything on Eve at first, but by the end of the brief look into his diary, we see that she has convinced him that he was actually to blame for everything all along. At the end, he says: “I see that I was mistaken about Eve in the beginning; it is better to live outside the Garden with her than inside it without her. At first I thought she talked too much; but now I should be sorry to have that voice fall silent and pass out of my life. Blessed be the chestnut that brought us near together and taught me to know the goodness of her heart and the sweetness of her spirit!”

It will only take you about ten minutes to read Twain’s Excerpts from Adam’s Diary. So please go to and read it, and then go to my blogsite at for more about consciousness, thinking, and the nature of reality.


As I said, the paradox of the ‘a prior’ existence of consciousness is the key to understanding the nature of reality. This is so because the organizing function of consciousness is found existing as what Dr. Vernon Neppe and I call gimmel, the measurable third form of reality in the heart of the proton, the most stable object in the universe, and in the energy of the electron shells surrounding the nucleus of all stable atoms. That stability is created by the organization by gimmel of the total angular momentum in every atom of the physical universe, completing the stability of atoms of the physical universe as basic unitary logical systems. In the composite forms of reality, gimmel also completes the physical universe as a finite 5-D logical system consisting of three spatial dimensions, one temporal dimension, and one dimension of consciousness. The logic of this system is the reflection of the logic of the 9-D infinity of Primary Consciousness, which is the infinite Mind of God, within which everything is embedded.

The form of each 4-D atom is a toroidal energy vortex with the triadic content of mass, energy, and gimmel as its total quantized substance. The form of the cosmos is a 5-D toroidal vortex, expanding out of, and back into itself periodically. The energy form of each conscious thinking individual is also that of a torus of dynamic spiritual energy rolling through the cosmos and expanding into or contracting away from the 9-D domain of Primary Consciousness as a consequence of that individual’s conscious actions. 9-D Primary Consciousness is forever mathematically self-referential without beginning or end. (Coincidentally answering Leibniz’s most important question: “Why is there something rather than nothing?”: There is something rather than nothing because there never was, and never will be a state of absolute nothingness!)

Physical reality, as the form of the finite manifestation of Primary Consciousness, also exists without beginning or end, constantly changing in form, creating the illusions of beginnings and ends, but with no creation or destruction of the substance of reality. This is reflected in the natural law of the conservation of substance, measurable in quantum equivalence units of mass, energy, and gimmel. The inclusion of gimmel, the conscious portion of physical reality linking individual quantized consciousness to the conscious substrate of Primary Consciousness, assures the spiritual immortality of our souls. Finally, we see that reality is a self-referential continuum ranging through all dimensional domains from finite quantized physical reality to the infinitely continuous infinity of the consistent logical system of the Spiritual Reality of Primary Consciousness in God.    

Friday, February 16, 2024




I have been a student of mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science, geology, and cosmology since 1951, earning several degrees, including a PhD in environmental engineering in 1988, and because of several spontaneous out-of-body experiences (OBEs) that occurred early in my life, I have also been a seeker of metaphysical knowledge, exploring the perennial philosophy of Aldous Huxley, the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC), Theosophy, Zen Buddhism, Tibetan Yoga, Jewish and Christian Mysticism, and Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) yoga meditation techniques.

I have practiced a form of pranayama (yogic life-force control) since 1960 as an initiate in the Kriya consciousness expansion techniques taught by Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, and I have also been involved in consciousness studies with several well-known researchers in the field for the last 40 years. I have been a computer programmer, an actuarial mathematics technician, a mathematical modeler, and US Government systems analyst. I believe that this multi-field background provides me with a unique perspective from which to comment on artificial intelligence and the nature of consciousness.

With all of the concerns we are hearing today about AI computing machines, like their becoming conscious and taking over the world with the potential of destroying us, let me point out that you can only believe that such a thing is possible and that it might happen, if you not only don’t believe in God, but you also don’t believe that you have a soul. My discovery in 2011 of the indirectly measurable non-physical aspect of reality, now known as gimmel, existing in every atom of the universe, proved to me that, if man-made machines become conscious, they will do so only within the existing laws of nature, which are actually the physical manifestation of Primary Consciousness. i.e., the Mind of God, the substrate of all reality. So, let not your heart be troubled about AI! It is subject to the laws of the universe. Floods, fire, and atomic bombs have not destroyed us, and AI will not destroy us either. The Mind of God is the matrix from which all that exists arises; it is the only reality, and AI, like any other human artifact, is part of it.

In order to prove or disprove the existence or non-existence of God for myself, I have practiced Kriya Yoga techniques daily, for a little more than 63 years. I am happy to report to you that the Loving Omnipresence of God is real and that it is provable not only by personal experience, but also by the existence of quanta of gimmel. Without it, there would be no physical universe, no planet Earth, and no human beings. At present, artificial intelligence is only a poor imitation of the real thing, and it is subject to the laws of the universe. AI is already able to out-perform human beings in speed of computation, and algorithmic learning; but numerical calculation and finite memory are only small parts of intelligence, and they are merely tools of consciousness, not consciousness itself. Yes, AI, like sticks and stones, slings and arrows, guns and bombs, is capable of destroying us, if we are stupid enough to let it. But, the destruction of the humanity by AI would not be the triumph of a superior species of consciousness over us, it would just be the stupidity of suicide!

For more about this, go to my blogsite: .

Thursday, January 25, 2024




Edward R. Close, BA, MST, PhD, PE,

Distinguished Fellow, ECAO

Existential and Conceptual Mathematics

This is a discussion about mathematics, consciousness, and eternity. Let’s start by asking: What is mathematics? Almost no one alive today knows what mathematics is, and public education is largely to blame. For something that starts out with the simplest, most boring ideas imaginable, like counting things, distinguishing between groups of things based on their similarities and differences, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and recognizing equivalences, the subject we call mathematics, as it is taught in our schools today, is complex, confused, and confusing. What we are taught about mathematics today is a muddled mixture of half-truths that only reveal the tip of the iceberg of the logical structure of objective reality. Emblematic of the unnecessary confusion of academic mathematics is the fact that the word describing the subject is a plural noun. If mathematics is plural, then what are its parts? If you are familiar with what passes for education in this world today, then you would probably agree that the word ‘mathematics’ refers to all of the methods of quantitative reasoning. Arithmetic is one subject, geometry is another, algebra is one, and the list goes on to include all of the subjects that involve calculation.

From simple arithmetic to the most advanced form of quantitative analysis, mathematical subjects were developed to deal with numbers and numerical problems. They are logical procedures that transform numerical descriptions of things, simple statements of obvious facts, into quantitatively equivalent expressions that provide answers to some of the questions we like to ask about the things we see and experience. In short, mathematical subjects are designed to provide effective ways to analyze the reality we experience.  

I think that most people, including most mathematicians, will probably agree with this definition and be happy to add a few more subjects to the list, including ‘the calculus’, a specific analytical method developed in the natural science of Western Civilization more than 300 years ago. I, however, disagree with using the label ‘the calculus’ to describe a specific mathematical procedure. I do so in an effort to try to eliminate at least one source of confusion that comes from using the same word to describe two or more different things. Mathematical terminology should be as simple and precise as possible. But, like many words borrowed from an ancient language, the original meaning of the word calculus has been obscured in modern usage.

Most dictionaries give some form of two different definitions for the word ‘calculus’, with the mathematical operation of infinitesimal approximation developed by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, known as “the” calculus, generally given as the number one definition. This reflects current common usage and tries to legitimize the mis-use of the word calculus for one specific method of calculation. Here’s an example of what I found online:

1.      Calculus: a branch of mathematics that deals with the finding and properties of the derivatives and integrals of algebraic functions by methods that were originally based on summations of infinitesimal differences. The two main types of ‘the calculus’ are differential calculus and integral calculus.

2.      Calculus: any method or logical system of calculation and analytical reasoning.


Definition number 1 attempts to describe one specific member of a subset of operational methods belonging to the larger set defined by definition number 2. The fact that a specific mathematical method has been called “the calculus” by those who use it to solve a specific class of problems involving change in objective forms over time, is a prime example of how we have mis-used basic grammatical forms of words borrowed from earlier forms of the Indo-European languages to represent recently re-defined or re-discovered concepts. The word ‘calculus’ is the diminutive form of the Latin word calx, which means ‘stone’. Thus, ‘calculus’ means small stone or ‘pebble’. The current usage of the word calculus in English, and in most other modern languages, came about because the Romans used small pebbles arranged in columns on a counting board to make the task of counting things, and performing simple mathematical operations like addition and subtraction, easier. The different mathematical tasks performed by moving pebbles on the counting board became known as ‘calculations’ because of the use of small, round stones (calculi) on the board.


The simple counting board with movable pebbles evolved into the abacus and later into calculating machines, while the meaning of the word calculus evolved into a general descriptor for all known methods of calculation. A thousand years later, the word calculus was re-cycled and used again. This time it was mis-appropriated to represent a method for finding the limiting values of the sums of infinitesimally increasing or decreasing differences, and first mechanical, and then electronic calculators using simple binary logic were constructed. This use of the word calculus to represent two categorically different levels of computation is just part of what makes mathematics difficult and confusing for many students today.


The subject of mathematics, or more precisely, mathematical logic, is about much more than just dealing with numbers. If that were not true, we wouldn’t need the word mathematics at all, we could just use the word ‘numbers’ and call math the study of numbers. So, what is the actual meaning of the word mathematics? There are a number of different definitions given in online dictionaries now for the word ‘mathematics’. They differ slightly, depending on the avocational orientation of the person writing the definition; but the simplest one I’ve found is “Mathematics is the study of number, quantity, and space”. The key concept underlying the three proper nouns in this awkward definition, number, quantity, and space, is the concept of ‘separation’. ‘Study’ implies separation of the student (or students) and that which is being studied. Or, more generally, mathematical reasoning arises from the separation of things after the primary separation drawn by every conscious being, which is the distinction of ‘self’ from ‘other-than-self’. ‘Quantity’ implies that substances exist that can be separated into different categories based on the nature of their content and extent, and space is defined by the measurable extent that separates objects.


If mathematical reasoning is based on separating things, as in the conscious act of drawing distinctions, then considering mathematics as a study of numbers without reference to the consciousness that perceives objective existence, is misleading and incomplete. If mathematics is to be useful as a tool to study the nature of reality, then, in addition to numbers, mathematics must deal with things that have measurable features of content, extent and intent; it must deal with substances, shapes and forms that exist in the real world, and with consciousness itself. It must at least include the subjects we call geometry and mathematical physics. The word ‘geo-metry’ literally means ‘earth measurement’, but since the time of Euclid, it has been used to mean more than just the measurement and study of the shape of the earth. It is the study of the shapes of separate and combined objects, and ‘physics’ is the study of physical objects that are separate, have weight, and occupy measurable volumes of space.


In the book, Laws of Form, arguably one of the most important books ever written about the form of the logical system of thought underlying existence, logician George Spencer Brown emphasizes the concept of separation, when he says that the theme of his work “is that a universe comes into being when a space is severed or taken apart.” The laws that Brown reveals with his calculus of indications, implicate the existence of an underlying intelligence within which individual conscious minds may exist and resonate. However, Brown shied away from addressing the probable existence of a meta-mind, or even an existential meta-reality existing behind the logical forms manifested in the structure of the physical universe, because of the difficulties that the requirement of existence imposes on logical analyses and the application of inductive and deductive reasoning. To avoid these difficulties, he chose not to link the logic of calculation to existence until the process reaches a meaningful conclusion, and then only if it is necessary to interpret the results in a real-world meaningful way. The calculus I will describe here differs from Brown’s calculus of indications in several significant ways, but most importantly, in the calculus of dimensional distinctions, the linking of mathematical logic to existence is restored to its rightful place of importance.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mathematical logic is the logic of existential separation, reflecting the physical, mental, and spiritual structure of objective reality. Without the organizing presence of consciousness in the processes of calculation, mathematical logic is simply a binary thought form; yes or no, zero or one, true or false. Boolean algebra and the calculus of indications of G. Spencer Brown’s Laws of Form are forms of symbolic notation for the simple operations of binary logic. With the inclusion of the conscious action of the drawing of distinctions and numerical indicators of dimensionality, the primary calculus becomes a system of triadic logic, and the Calculus of Dimensional Distinctions (CoDD), a naturalized extension of the primary calculus, is its notation. It is important to note that while a system of symbolic mathematical notation is a human invention, the form of mathematical logic underlying reality is not. The form of existential mathematical logic reflects both the substance and the shape of objective reality. Any useful symbolic representation of mathematical logic is a written language that can be learned and used by conscious beings, and thus mathematical logic is ‘the language of science’.


As Max Planck noted, all meaningful definitions imply that some form of consciousness exists behind the symbols. He said: “We cannot get behind consciousness, everything we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.


With this understanding, we realize that the innate logical structure of existence is mathematical in nature and that the ‘creation’ of the physical universe, in the Biblical sense of Genesis, cannot be the “creatio ex nihilo” (creation from nothing) imposed upon Christian thought by church theologists after 553 A.D. when the ‘anathemas against Origen’ were forced on the Catholic Priesthood by Roman Emperor Justinian, under the threat of death and destruction, for purely political purposes.


The stable logical forms of the physical universe are existential. They are real. They are the essence of reality. In other words, mathematics is the study of the innate logical form, the structure of reality, manifesting in the physical universe in the existence, geometry, and substance of objective reality. Sadly, the exclusion of Euclidian geometry (sometimes called ‘plane geometry’) from the basic requirements of public education in the US, along with the deliberate removal of any mention of the existence of any higher form of intelligence behind objective reality, is in large part what has brought about the downfall of modern education.


A beautiful little Book titled Analytische Geometrie, published in German in the late 1800s, a book that I found in a box that my father bought for a dollar at a garage sale when I was a teenager, reveals far more about the origin and logical basis of mathematics than anything being taught in today’s colleges and universities. After I absorbed the contents of that book and two other books on natural science during the summer of 1951, memories of things I learned in past lives began to surface in my consciousness, and I began to see the connecting links between mathematics, linguistics, natural philosophy, and the logical structure of reality, as it is ‘educed’ or drawn out of the empirical existence of Primary Consciousness and manifestly expressed in conscious lifeforms as experience in the physical universe. And it became clear to me that the mathematics being taught in our schools was based on inconsistent and erroneous assumptions. But the failures of the conceptual mathematics of public education is not what this essay is about. It is about the logic of the primary calculus of Consciousness, existence, and Immortality.

In an effort to avoid losing readers who may not have much in the way of math and/or science background, I will do my best to define technical terms as I go. The word ‘empirical’ means “information based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation and measurement or conscious experience, rather than theory or pure logic.”

The word ‘math’ comes from the Proto-Indo-European root ‘mendh’ meaning ‘to put together or learn’ this root word is also related to Greek, Slavic, and German words meaning mindfulness, awake, intelligent, observant, thoughtful and careful, revealing the fact that mathematical reasoning is a fundamental part - and I would argue, the most important part - of the meaningful education of young minds, along with reading and writing skills.


While we’re at it, let’s have a look at the word ‘education’, because it actually does not mean what is implied by ‘education’ in our schools today. Here’s a typical modern definition found in an online computer search:


“Education : The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university in the modern system of public education.”


Contrast this with the original meaning of the word ‘education’: The root word ‘educe’ comes from the Latin verb  'Educare' which means 'to lead out or bring forth'. In times of greater mental and spiritual virtue, we understand that the knowledge that is being brought forth into the expanding consciousness of individual sentient beings is present in the substrate of reality in the form of higher-frequency energy patterns that can be received and absorbed by conscious beings who are sufficiently aware and ready to receive it.

Today’s computer definitions of the word ‘education’ are definitions of indoctrination, not definitions of learning. That’s why no one with common sense can understand mathematics now in the depth that it is understood in the ages of higher mental integrity both before and after the present time. What I experienced in the summer of 1951 by reading a few books on basic math and science and thinking deeply about what I read, was education! What I experienced in years of public and private schools after that, was a mixture of education and indoctrination – and I can see that formal education has gotten progressively much worse in the past sixty years.

When education is entrusted to government, and the government becomes corrupt, the purpose of public education becomes indoctrination, which then progresses on into crass political propaganda, as the government becomes increasingly more corrupt, using public education to make sure it retains its power. Unfortunately, this is the natural evolution of bureaucratic social organizations in times of low mental and spiritual virtue like the time we are experiencing now. Sadly, real mathematical logic has been lost in the processes of ‘modern’ education. This essay is an effort to right the floundering flagship of reason once again.

Why is understanding the seminal relationship between mathematics and education so important in the course of an effort to explain the difference between existential mathematical logic and conceptual mathematical imagination? Because we need to know how to determine, beyond reasonable doubt, what is real and what is false. Using mis-guided conceptual mathematics instead of empirically proven existential mathematics to solve real-world physics and engineering problems leads to unnecessary complications and error. In particular, it yields incommensurable scalar values in solutions of descriptive algebraic equations that do not represent anything that actually exists in the real-world, but are, never-the-less, reasonable fictions used to make the Standard Model of scientific materialism seem to work.

Believing that conceptual mathematical forms are real leads to erroneous and often paradoxical answers and conclusions. Prime examples of such fictional concepts are the much sought-after ephemeral dimensionless and massless ‘particles’, that are imagined existing and “imparting” mass or other characteristics to other ‘particles’ of matter in order to make a particle-based quantum theory seem to work. There actually are no solid particles of matter in the stable atomic structure of objective reality at all. Elementary quantum-scale objects are entirely different in form and substance than the conceptual illusions called particles. - But I am getting a little bit ahead of myself. To assure that the quantitative results obtained from mathematical calculations are valid in the domain of human experience, we have to use mathematical logic, operations, and procedures that correspond with processes that actually exist. Otherwise, the solutions to mathematical equations and our interpretations of them are questionable; they often have incommensurable numerical values, and they are usually wrong.

More definitions: 1) Commensurable means having a common measure of size, extent, or content. Therefore, in the context of this discussion, the word incommensurable refers to numerical values that have no common unit of measurement, i.e., no common divisor. 2) Scalar values are numerical values representing the magnitude of a measurement, as opposed to vectors or volumetric values, which include geometric (shape) and content (substance) information defining the phenomena being analyzed. In physics, for example, a number representing relative motion, used in a sentence like: “The speed of light is constant and equal to 299,792,458 m/sec., relative to all observers, regardless of relative motion” is a scalar numerical value, while an object’s ‘velocity’ and impact are values that include geometric information like the direction of motion relative to the reference frame of the observer in a finite multi-dimensional matrix and content information, like mass/energy equivalence, and density.

Max Planck realized that the concept of solid physical matter is a conceptual illusion and said: “There is no matter as such! … All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.

In the conscious, quantized world that Max Planck discovered - the world we actually live in - the measurable mass of any physical object is equivalent to a specific amount of energy quantized in an integral multiple of an extremely small quantum equivalence unit. Even though Planck made this discovery more than 100 years ago, at about the same time his friend and colleague Albert Einstein discovered that measurements of space and time are mathematically dependent on the velocity of the object’s motion relative to the observer, modern mainstream science still hasn’t understood what these discoveries imply about the nature of reality. In the current planetary time-cycle, just ascending out of the dark ages of negative mental virtue called the ascending Kali Yuga, this isn’t surprising. Most people today don’t understand the simple difference between the numerical value of zero, re-introduced into scientific thought about 1,523 years ago, and the concept of ‘nothing’.

Belief in the possibility that a state of absolute nothingness could exist is a conceptual illusion created by observing changes that occur in geometric forms. Forms come and go, but the essence of substance does not. The illusion of nothingness is completely dispelled by understanding the universal law of conservation of mass, energy, and consciousness, revealed by applications of the Primary Quantum Calculus that I started developing in 1986 -1989. The CoDD is based on the fact that physical objects are, as Planck discovered, quantized. All measures of mass, energy and consciousness occur only in multiples of the smallest possible, stable quantum equivalence unit. That smallest quantum unit is objectified by the mass, volume and structure of the free electron. Using the mass, volume, and form of the free electron as the tri-rotational unit of equivalence (TRUE), a number of the contradictions and paradoxes existing in the current scientific paradigm are resolved. See articles by Neppe and Close or Close and Neppe published in IQNexus.

Using the quantum equivalence unit (TRUE) as the basic unit of the Quantum Calculus, normalized and naturalized to the mass and volume of the free electron links mathematical operations of calculation directly to objective physical reality, and reveals and clarifies the importance of the difference between existential and conceptual mathematics. With the natural basic unit of measurement normalized to unity and equated to the smallest stable subatomic reality, the CoDD becomes a powerful tool for proving or disproving scientific hypotheses.

[It may be necessary to clarify the meanings of two key words here, words that are sometimes confused. Those two words are ‘theory’ and ‘theorem’. A theory is a speculation or hypothesis that has not been proved, while a theorem is a mathematical statement that has been proved.]

The effectiveness of using quantum calculus theorems to prove scientific hypotheses was demonstrated in Infinite Continuity, a book I published in 1989 (unfortunately, this book is currently out of print). The quantum calculus was also used to prove scientific hypotheses in Reality Begins With Consciousness, a book published by Neppe and Close in 2015, as well as in posts on my Transcendental Physics blog site: .

There has been a very unfortunate rift between theoretical and applied mathematics due to institutionalized specialization, beginning about a thousand years after the time of Plato and Aristotle. Because of this rift, modern mainstream science has failed to see the powerful potential of using mathematical theorems to test hypotheses of natural science. When I mentioned using the CoDD to prove one mainstream physical hypothesis and disprove another one having to do with the Big-Bang-red-shift expanding universe theory, during a discussion about TDVP, two very successful mainstream scientists, one a Nobel prize-winning physicist, and one an astronomer, said “Mathematics isn’t like that!”

In regard to the conceptually fragmented mathematics that mainstream scientists were (and still are) being taught in major universities and that they had been using for their entire careers, their dismissive statements about the possibility of using mathematics to test scientific hypotheses were perfectly understandable. The mathematical methods used by mainstream scientists today were developed before the discoveries by Planck and Einstein, when the matter and energy of physical reality were assumed to be existential and infinitely continuous. The connection between Mainstream mathematical methods and reality is incomplete and flawed because the units of measurement being used were arbitrarily chosen from a variety of human-scale measurement standards that were, and are, mathematically incommensurable, and “the calculus” was based on assumptions that are invalid in physical reality. But, when the basic units of measurement are equated to the smallest stable existing quantum and numerical and volumetric unity, mathematical incommensurability is eliminated.

Applied mathematics for the past 300-plus years has been dominated by the infinitesimal calculus of Newton and Leibniz. But the mathematical theory behind the infinitesimal calculus contains mathematical constructs that are both existential and conceptual, real and fictional, based on a priori assumptions. (a priori means self-evident, needing no proof). This mixture of incompatible assumptions does not cause obvious problems in the mathematical results for human-scale problems, because the logical contradictions in the theory are obscured by the extremely large differences in scale between the domain of our indirect experience of reality through the physical senses, and the extremely high-energy, high-velocity phenomena occurring at the extreme edges of the quantum and cosmological scales. The basic problem arises in the difference between discrete and infinitely continuous variables and the difference between existential and conceptual forms. These problems only come to light when the analysis is extrapolated or extended down to the unitary quantum scale.

The methods that Newton and Leibniz devised to overcome the huge measurement-scale differences between human measurement and the constants of physical reality, depend on the derivation of linear algebraic functions that accurately represent problems being addressed, and also approach finite values approximated by converging series of numerical ratios as the scale-variables approach zero. While the resulting infinitesimal approximation limits yield useful solutions for human-scale problems, they produce both irrational and transcendental numerical values in the analytical results. But irrational and transcendental numbers are not integers and therefore do not represent existential quantized realities, because, by definition, non-quantum phenomena do not exist in a quantized reality. This paradox is a direct result of conflating non-existential mathematical concepts with existential mathematical realities. An important quantum-level investigation where this problem becomes especially significant and troublesome, is in the scalar unitary projection from a three-dimensional domain into another domain with an additional dimension.

Applying Newton’s laws of motion and the law of parsimony, we can see immediately that the simplest way for unitary vectors to project sequentially from each existential dimensional domain into the next and form a stable rotational symmetry connecting up to four sequential dimensional domains, is for each vector to project orthogonally (at an angle of one-fourth of each rotation relative to the previous vector). As a result of the limits of mutual orthogonality in each triad of dimensional domains after the first projection, the scalar magnitude of every third projection has the scalar value of a different dimensional complex root of unity.

The forward end of each projecting vector is located one quantum length distance into the next dimensional domain, so, if that next domain is an n-dimensional domain, the vector’s length has to be equal to an nth root of unity for its volume and magnitude to represent the existential quantum location, as well as the equivalent scalar and volumetric units in the n-dimensional domain.         

Application of the Law of Parsimony, sometimes called Occam’s razor, to the mathematics of the unitary projection from each and every dimensional domain into the next one, has the advantage of eliminating numerical incommensurability from the 3- to 5-dimensional domain mathematics, which validates CoDD theory by matching empirical evidence. What is the law of parsimony? It simply says that when there is more than one potential path, a natural process will follow the simplest and most direct path to its logical end, in effect choosing the easiest path over other possible paths that are more complex. Einstein evoked the law of parsimony in his work. He expressed it as a primary principle of God and nature. He said: “Raffiniert ist der Herr Gott, aber Boshaft ist er nicht!” (The Lord God is impeccable, but he is not deceptive.) In other words, the intelligence behind reality does not deliberately and maliciously make things more complicated than necessary to achieve the logical end result, just to make things difficult for us!

To understand how the use of both existential and conceptual mathematics in the quantitative analyses of objective phenomena produces contradictions in our understanding of reality at the quantum and cosmological scales, we need to have a closer look at some of the fundamental concepts of mathematical logic to see how we can tell the difference between those that represent things that actually exist, and those that do not.

The simplest definition of a physical object, taken from that old entry-level college physics book I studied in the summer of 1951, is “it is that which has weight and occupies space”. To meet the requirements of this definition, an object in the dimensional domain of human experience has to exhibit quantifiable variables of extent and content that can be measured by a conscious observer. There are three geometric concepts in common usage that clearly do not meet these criteria: they are points. lines, and planes. This should be self-evident, but for clarity and emphasis, I will elaborate.

A point, the conceptualization that mathematicians call ‘a mathematical singularity’, has zero dimensions, and thus it has no extent, and no capacity to contain anything. It is, therefore, a useful concept of human imagination, but objectively non-existent. A line has one dimension, so it has extent, but no capacity for a single quantum of content. The length of a finite line segment can be measured by a conscious observer, but because it has no capacity for content, it does not meet the criteria of an existential object. A plane has two dimensions, and the area of a finite part of a plane can be calculated by a conscious observer, but it still has no capacity for containing quanta of mass, energy, or consciousness. A 2-D plane is therefore, like its logical precursors, geometrical points and lines, a useful concept, but it can claim no existence as a physical object existing in the dimensional domain we experience through our senses. Points, lines, and planes do not exist in physical reality. They are concepts drawn from the 5-D domain of Primary Consciousness and thus can only be approximated in the quantized 4-D domain of the physical universe.

There are several things to be learned from this simple analysis. In the sequential order of the logical expansion of an individual consciousness, the first three dimensions of existential reality are dimensions of space; the fourth is a dimension of time; and the fifth is a dimension of consciousness. The CoDD becomes a quantum calculus with tertiary logic, when the first three dimensions combine in a volumetric unit of geometrical extent, substantial content, and conceptual intent. This may seem like a leap into unchartered speculative territory, but it is justified because it produces results that resolve many of the perplexing paradoxes and contradictions in the current scientific paradigm, and it reveals the elegance of the higher-dimensional logic of the cosmos. The first 3-D domain, integrated as a volumetric unit combined with a 3-D unit of time and a 3-D unit of consciousness, completes the logically consistent finite 9-dimensional domain, embedded in and reflecting the logical structure of the Infinite field of Primary Consciousness known in previous times of high virtue as the Akasha.  

Results obtained with applications of the CoDD, based on the free electron quantum equivalence unit (TRUE), include explaining why only three specific sizes of quarks can combine to form stable protons and atoms, why neutrons have the specific mass they have, why fermions have an intrinsic ½ spin, why the Cabbibo quark- mixing angle has the value it has, why elementary objects spin at near light-speed angular velocities, and much more. Another important thing that has emerged, is the fact that consciousness manifests physically as measurable content in sub-atomic structure at the interface of space-time dimensional domains. We have obtained ample mathematical proof of this in several publications, including Reality Begins with Consciousness, Neppe & Close, PNI, Seattle WA, 2015, and Is Consciousness Primary? AAPS Vol. 1, Edited by G.S. Schwartz & Marjorie Woollacott, Waterside Productions, Cardiff CA, 2019.

The Origin and Role of Individualized Consciousness

Consciousness flows continuously out of the infinitely continuous substrate of reality, which is the Primary form of Consciousness, and into physical manifestation to form and inform conscious entities and enable them to gain experience in the physical universe. Expanding out of, and back into Primary Consciousness in a continuous cycle, this 9-D closed recycling process forms a toroidal energy vortex, and the logical structure of Primary Consciousness is conveyed into the physical universe in these spinning vortices.


Quantized reality is ultimately a logically consistent system of elementary potential and kinetic quantized energy vortices, and increasingly complex finite arrangements of those vortices are organized by the intelligence radiating from Primary Consciousness to be received in semi-stable structures that are complex enough to absorb some of the ultra-high frequencies of an internally consistent 9-D domain, contained in, and governed by the logic of the infinitely continuous, all-encompassing field of Primary consciousness. Otherwise, no metaphysical logic or mathematical science comprehensible to individualized conscious beings, would be possible. In this quantized reality, individualized conscious minds like yours and mine exist at the interface between the infinitely continuous field of Primary Consciousness and the finite quantized reality of the physical universe.

The best analogy in our 4-D physical reality that I can think of to compare this with, is the interface of two extensive bodies of water like the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Because of differences in density due to different concentrations of dissolved solids and different kinetic energy in these bodies of water, reflected in measurable differences in turbidity, temperature, and color, the interface of the two oceanic bodies is visible on the surface. Carrying this analogy a little farther, the vortices spinning off on one side or the other and swirling along the interface, are analogous to elementary ‘particles’ spinning in the four-dimensional space-time energy field of the physical universe, and the fluid essence of the waters is analogous to the essence of the conscious substrate field of Primary Consciousness.

Like all analogies, this analogy comparing forms of mass, energy, and consciousness to spinning vortexes along the interface of bodies of water is not perfect, but it is close. The next step in this model of reality is to expand the mathematics of multi-dimensional domains from 3-D to 4-D and 5-D and inspect existential and conceptual mathematical structures relative to each of the dimensional domains. To explain this clearly, I need to define the word ‘dimension’ much more precisely than the way it is thought about and used in common parlance today. Anyone who has watched a few episodes of the Twilight Zone TV series that was aired 50 years ago and has been amplified in TV and movies ever since with improved special effects technology, understands what is meant by references to things “existing in another dimension”. However, this common terminology is imprecise. In fact, nothing can exist “in a dimension”. Things exist in dimensional domains, not in dimensions.

Dimensions are imaginary lines conceptualized with the intent of defining reference frames for measurements of the extent and content of physical objects. In the mathematical description of a reality that contains multiple objects, the values of those measurements are quantized, but  variable, and therefore they are called variables. Spatial dimensions are conceptual reflections of existing objective forms and, as Einstein observed, they therefore “can claim no existence of their own”. There is no such thing as space without objects, and no such thing as time without events. Thus, there is no objective backdrop called space-time without content. And content, the substance of reality, is measured in variables of mass, energy, and now, in the CoDD, for the first time in this time cycle, also of consciousness.

Until I narrowed the focus of the calculus of indications developed by G. Spencer Brown in 1969, by including consciousness and existence as requirements for the logical analysis of physical reality and developed the Calculus of Dimensional Distinctions (CoDD) in 1986, consciousness was assumed by mainstream science to have no existence of its own and no measurable variables of content or extent. In scientific descriptions, the observer was - and still is - represented by a dimensionless point, a mathematical singularity, with no direct connection to, impact on, or influence on objective reality. This was coupled with the belief that physical reality had existed for billions of years without meaningful organization or purpose before life evolved and living organisms became self-aware. In the current belief system of scientific materialism, self-aware individualized consciousness is imagined to be a very recent development and an epiphenomenon of physical evolution. We know now that this belief is false, and that consciousness cannot be equated with biological life. I knew this before I was born this time, because I remembered being aware of objective reality before entering my new infant body.                      

After the summer of 1951, when most 14-year-olds were fascinated with Marilyn Monroe movies and Elvis Presley’s music, my idol was Albert Einstein. I had fallen in love with science; but, as I said, I knew, even before discovering relativity, that the assumption that biological life was necessary for consciousness to exist, a major premise underlying modern science, was simply wrong. I had experienced objective conscious awareness outside of my physical body, and I had memories of being identified with other living physical bodies before this one. But it would be many years before I would be comfortable talking about these experiences and memories because I didn’t have the vocabulary to describe them, even though they were an important part of my personal experience contributing to my conceptual model of reality.

Once you realize that consciousness is a fundamental part of reality, rather than a random by-product of physical evolution, your understanding of reality is changed forever. Generally, in times of low mental and spiritual virtue in time cycles like the one we are in now, out-of-body awareness comes upon individual conscious beings when they are barely ready for it. It dawns on them like an explosion of light and expanding consciousness, over which they have little or no control. This is because, as individuals born on this planet during the slow growth of human civilization and group consciousness, we are surprised by sudden glimpses of the beauty and elegance of the higher frequencies of spiritual reality that surrounds us and informs physical reality. In flashes, we become aware of the interface of our perceptual domain with the higher- energy frequencies of domains with additional dimensions, domains that we cannot experience through the physical senses developed at this time in our bodies.  

Mathematical Modeling and Mandelbrot’s Fractals

As a mathematical modeler of environmental systems who had had dozens of spontaneous out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and temporarily expanded states of consciousness by 1985, I was motivated to try to find ways to expand my conceptual model of reality to include the world of greater depth and beauty that I had experienced during my OBEs. The result was the CoDD, and later, the Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm, with the help of Dr. Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD. But my first inkling of how dimensional interfaces could be modeled came about 15 years earlier. I knew that non-existent conceptual planes could not be warped and curved by gravitational forces to form interfaces between dimensional domains, as some scientists tried to imagine it; that was too simple. Observation and measurement of existential interfaces reveal that they are rarely smoothly distorted planes. Projecting unitary vectors across interfaces between dimensional domains in quantized reality, involves encountering dynamic irregularities that were first described geometrically as ‘fractal dimensions’ by Felix Hausdorff in 1918. Fractal geometry was later used in the computer modeling of the interfaces of masses of different density by Polish-French-American mathematician, Benoit Mandelbrot and members of the Department of Interior USGS water Resources Division Systems Analysis Group, including me, in the early1970s.

I first became aware of the idea of fractal interface surface geometry in 1970, when I first met Benoit Mandelbrot. It was before he had developed computer programs to display the beauty of fractal geometry. At the time, I was a junior member of the newly formed US Department of Interior Water Resources System Analysis Group in Washington DC, and Dr. Mandelbrot was working for IBM in Watertown New York. We worked together a few times, modeling the development and movement of storm cells along weather fronts, and I had the privilege of being one of the first to review his paper using fractal geometry to model the coastline geomorphology of the largest of the British Islands.

At that time, I didn’t realize how important fractal interface geometry would become in my study of consciousness and multi-dimensional quantum calculus because the iterative set of equations that became known as the Mandelbrot set, producing interesting patterns in two dimensions, was very simple. It wasn’t until much later, when I expanded the concepts of interface dynamics to 3-D domains and beyond and studied John von Neumann’s work on the interaction of quantized energy with consciousness, that the importance of fractals became apparent. It wasn’t until 2012, after Mandelbrot passed on to the other side, and John von Neumann had almost replaced Albert Einstein at the top of my list of most revered and respected mathematical scientists, that I learned that Dr. Mandelbrot had studied under von Neumann at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in 1953-1954, while I was still in high school.  

While working on a model of the interface of the infinitely continuous field of consciousness with quantized sets of spatially extended forms of physical objects and developing a  primary quantum calculus, I realized that in order to succeed in my efforts to introduce an existential quantum calculus, I had to re-unite several fields of mathematics and natural science that had drifted apart in modern times as objective mathematical logic was distorted in mainstream science by the inclusion of non-existential concepts. Over the years, the inclusion of non-existential concepts resulted in the evolution of disparate fields of theoretical and applied mathematics with incommensurable basic units, incompatible basic assumptions, and specialized methods with their own terminology. This distortion of natural science was happening in large part due to the academic inbreeding of institutionalized intellectual specialization and dumbed-down educational system.


Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries

Euclid of Alexandria was one of a very special group of intellectual souls with superior mental and spiritual virtue who reincarnated from the last Sat Yuga to preserve the core concepts of mathematical logic through the dark age of the descending Kali Yuga. Mathematical geometry, or the Logic of Form, originally part of natural science, was based on mathematical axioms like those described in Euclid’s Elements around 300 BC. The axioms of Euclid were self-evident a priori statements about simple forms like lines, planes, angles, and circles; shapes that could be drawn on flat surfaces, and a few simple volumetric solids. Euclid’s geometry was the only kind of geometry known to Western science for more than 2,000 years. But in the first part of the 19th century, circa 1813 - 1825, several mathematicians, independent of each other, - notably the prominent German mathematician Carl Friederich Gauss - began to explore what became known as non-Euclidean geometries.

Non-Euclidean geometries were developed by assuming that the fifth postulate of Euclid’s Elements could be arbitrarily replaced with conceptual alternatives. Two major branches of logically valid non-Euclidean geometries were developed simply by assuming that parallel lines could converge or diverge at infinity. Convergent lines produced geometries of convex surfaces, like spheres and ovaloid shapes called hyperbolic geometries, and divergent lines produced geometries with concave surfaces, called elliptic geometries. They were called hyperbolic and elliptic because of the shapes of the curves that the erstwhile parallel lines projected onto their surfaces. In this way, Euclidean geometry became just one of an infinity of manifold geometries. It is, however a very special geometry because it is the only flat, or ‘plane’ geometry.

Confusing conceptual geometry with existential geometry caused mathematicians to think that the square root of negative one was an imaginary number because it could not be located in a 3-D spatial domain. But ‘imaginary’ and ‘complex’ numbers are actually real. They existent in domains with more than three dimensions. Many problems in electronics and thermodynamics, involving energy transfer, cannot be solved without them. The appearance of imaginary numbers in solutions to equations describing n-dimensional domain phenomena, indicate the existence of an additional dimension. When a problem is described by an algebraic equation in a 3-D framework and the three solutions involve ‘imaginary’ or ‘complex’ numbers, the existence of a 4th dimension is indicated.

In a conscious projection from one multi-dimensional domain into another, awareness of an n-D domain implies the existence of an (n+1)-D domain. For example, a 3-D reality cannot be envisioned without the awareness of time, the 4th dimension, and we cannot conceive of the dimensions of the 4-D space-time domain, without observing or measuring them from consciousness in the 5th dimension. I think that is how mathematicians like Minkowski, Hilbert, and Friedman, realized that the 4th dimension had to be a dimension of time, while studying Einstein’s theory of relativity. It is also how I realized that the 5th dimension has to be a dimension of consciousness. The elegance of this vision appeared when I realized that each unitary projection into an additional domain was a root of unity, linking complex analysis to existential math in dimensional domains of 6 or more dimensions.

The conceptual development of non-Euclidean geometries led some people to mis-interpret fractal geometry as a geometry with fractional dimensions. This is not the case of course; fractional dimensions do not extend into other dimensional domains; they are objective measures of the existential roughness of interfaces between quantized domains of different mass and energy densities. The CoDD replaces the conceptual mathematics of imaginary points, lines, planes, and interfaces with the hyper-dimensional interfaces of individualized consciousness with existential reality in Primary Consciousness. Care should be taken not to confuse hyper-dimensional domains with non-Euclidean geometries.

Scientific Meditation

The title of this section is an example of double entendre (an expression that has two valid meanings, one obvious, the other obscure). In this section, I will be writing about scientific meditation techniques and about objective results from meditations that have been empirically and statistically verified. In 1996, I enjoyed doing a poster presentation at Tucson II, Toward a Science of Consciousness. My presentation was about the interface of consciousness and quantum physics. After one of the sessions, I asked a well-known physicist who was presenting, a man whose work I admired, if he had started meditating yet. He looked at me as if I had asked him if he had spoken with space aliens and said “No! why should I?” I didn’t get a chance to explain to him why I thought he should meditate, but I did have evidence that certain consciousness altering meditation techniques could make scientific investigation more productive. At that time, I had been practicing Kriya Yoga pranayama techniques of consciousness expansion for 36 years.


In my autobiography, I have written about some personal OBEs that started happening spontaneously when I was about 12 years old. During these experiences, my visual and audial senses were greatly enhanced and magnified. These experiences were temporary states of consciousness similar to those described by Patanjali in the Anima Sutra as Siddhis (powers of the soul). What I was experiencing was one of the eight siddhis that are attained through prolonged deep meditation. Experiencing them at an early age in this life was evidence that I had practiced pranayama techniques in past lives. This particular siddhi enables you to focus your sphere of consciousness to a point as tiny as an atom, proton, quark, or free electron.   


In 2019, I collaborated with Dr. Vernon Neppe and Dr. Surendra Pokharna (Neppe V, Pokharna S, Close E., Besant- Quantal Clairvoyance. IQNJ. 2019, 11: 3, 5-72. 200706 V10.43) Our study documented statistically valid evidence that Dr. A. Besant and associates, using rigorous experimental criteria, described the quark sub-structure of atoms, and obtained valid information about other subatomic structures in 1908 by practicing the Anima Siddhi meditation techniques found in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Yoga means ‘union’ in Sanskrit. The Besant experiments probed the 92 known natural atoms of the Elements. At about the same time Annie Besant et al were probing subatomic reality using the anima siddhi, mainstream science was considering the elan vital or ‘life-force’ theory put forth by French philosopher Henri Bergson in his book Creative Evolution in 1907. Elan Vital was rejected by science because of lack of physical evidence.


Our 2019 study of Besant’s data provides indisputable empirical evidence documenting psi abilities operating during deep Yogic meditation. The data is statistically significant, with a statistical probability of about one in a billion-billion, with correlation coefficients approaching one. The results are virtually fraud-proof because the Besant data has been available for more than 100 years, and the correlation with the Neppe-Close Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) was proved with TRUE quantal unit values, empirically validated and 100% replicable.


The Discovery of Gimmel, the Stabilizer of Logical Structure

The most noticeable and most remarkable thing about the physical universe is the great abundance of energy it contains. Everything is constantly moving. As conscious beings, we seem to be located in the middle of everything, moving relatively slowly while the largest things and the smallest things, farthest from us, things that we can detect through our physical senses, are moving much faster than we are. Both larger and smaller things are spinning and spiraling at such tremendous velocities that their rotation and spinning give them two kinds of stability: stabilities of form, which can be spherical, oval, or vortical, and stabilities of repeating patterns, that can be vibrational, orbital, or spiral. Some natural processes involve all of these forms and patterns, persisting for different lengths of time, from nanoseconds to eternity.

In the quest to understand the nature of reality, an important question to ask, is: Which physical object in the universe is the most stable ? The answer is the proton. Most of the objects that make up the elements of the periodic table, the stuff that mainstream scientists call hadronic matter, decay over time, and most of them decay very quickly relative to human time. But protons never decay, or if they do, their half-life is longer than the estimated age of the big-bang universe, which keeps getting older and older as we continue to learn more about it.

An even more important question, as it turns out, is: Why is the proton so stable? When I first learned about the amazing, functionally eternal stability of the proton, I was pretty sure that if I could learn why the proton is so super stable, then I would also be able to answer Leibniz’s most famous question, which was: “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Given the second law of thermodynamics, that says that entropy (disorder) always increases with time, explaining why things deteriorate and decay, Leibniz realized that there wouldn’t be complex structures in the first place, unless something very different had happened to override the entropy of natural decay sometime in the past, so he concluded that the first thing science should have asked, was “Why is there anything?”

Planck discovered the fact that there is no such thing as matter. This means that the subatomic objects cannot be particles of solid matter. If they are not particles, then what are they? An in-depth look at them in anima siddhi meditation reveals that they are energy vortices spinning in at least two or three dimensions simultaneously, in accordance with Newton’s 3rd law of motion (for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction) because of the expansion of the 4-D universe. We also see that mass is simply the measure of how much an object resists to a force causing it to change its vector of motion.

Another expanded state of consciousness siddhi allows you to slow objective time down by speeding up the rate of your metabolism. When you do this, you see that quantal vortices combine by merging like spinning drops of water, and the combination formed has the combined angular momentum of the merging objects, obeying the conservation of energy law. Electrons are single 3-D, 1 TRUE unit vortices that are spinning at the speed of light. Up-quarks are 2 TRUE unit vortices spinning in 2 dimensions, giving them 22 = 4 TRUE units of mass due to their angular momentum. Down-quarks are 3 TRUE unit vortices spinning in 2 dimensions, giving them 32 = 9 TRUE units of mass due to angular momentum. Protons are composed of 2 up-quarks and 1 down-quark, and they must contain an integer number of TRUE units cubed, to be perfectly symmetrical and not decay due to unbalanced angular momentum.

When I returned to the US after my NDE in the Great Pyramid of Giza Egypt in 2010, described in my autobiography, I began to apply the CoDD  to analyze the merger of three quarks to form a proton, to see if I could discover why the proton is so stable. When I converted the data from the Large Hadron Collider for the mass of up- and down-quarks into naturalized TRUE units and combined their 3-D forms using CoDD logic, I was surprised. The Diophantine equation for the combination of two up-quarks and one down-quark did not yield an integral value for the TRUE unit cube-root of the volume of the proton. That meant that the proton couldn’t contain a whole number of quanta and would therefore be asymmetric and fly apart and decay due to its unbalanced angular momentum. In other words, the proton, composed of two up-quarks and one down-quark, shouldn’t be any more stable than any other subatomic object! Could I have made an error in logic or arithmetic? It had happened before, because I’m a mathematical modeler, not necessarily always a meticulous number cruncher, so I checked and re-checked my reasoning and my calculations. But there was no error. The proton couldn’t be as stable, as it clearly was in LHC data. How could both be true? I was confronted with a paradox!

Then, a remarkable thing happened! I remembered three famous statements about paradoxes, problems, and mathematical completeness. The first one was a profound statement by Danish physicist, Niels Bohr. When he was told that a quantum experiment that he had designed had produced contradictory results, he exclaimed: “How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress!” The second statement was from Albert Einstein, who said: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” And the third was the essence of Kurt Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem, which proved that valid questions can be asked in a consistent logical system that can’t be answered within that system. At one quantum moment, these three profound statements converged in my mind to clarify a truth that made me realize that my computational paradox wasn’t a dead end, and together with what I already knew about conceptual and existential reality and mathematical modeling, that truth would enable me to resolve the proton paradox, and the end result was an amazingly profound discovery about the nature of reality: It has been designed with a purpose.

These statements by the three famous physicists are intimately related to each other, and also to existential reality, consciousness, and the discovery of Gimmel, the measurable organizing factor of physical reality and conveyer of the logic of Primary Consciousness into the physical universe. Bohr’s statement was a welcome answer for those who saw Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem as the end of mathematical certainty. I think David Hilbert was one of those thinkers, because his dream, his life’s work, was to accomplish the task of identifying the complete set of logically consistent axioms with which all mathematical questions could be proved or disproved. The incompleteness theorem was a disaster for Hilbert’s dream, because it proved that what he hoped to accomplish was impossible.

Some mathematicians thought that the incompleteness theorem implied that there were valid hypotheses that could never be proved or disproved. That is true in the absolute sense; however, the incompleteness theorem also implies that reality is potentially infinite, and therefore, a given hypothesis can be proved or disproved in a logical system that is expanded to encompass it. This is true because any consistent bubble of consciousness is a logical system by definition, and that makes Einstein’s statement relevant because it implies that a finite consciousness bubble can always be expanded to include more of existential reality.    

When I encountered the proton paradox, I had already had a background that included a BA degree in mathematics and sufficient coursework in geology, physics, and mathematics for Master’s degrees in all three subjects. I had worked as a mathematical modeler in a US Government Systems Analysis Group for several years and earned a PhD in environmental science and engineering with a one-year residence at Johns Hopkins University, and I was actively involved in ground-breaking bio-psycho-quantum-physics research with Dr. Vernon Neppe MD, PhD, founder of the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute. I had also been practicing Kriya Yoga consciousness-expansion techniques for 60 years, and I knew that the profound truths spoken by Bohr, Einstein, and Gödel fit in perfectly with my model of everything, to provide me with an insight of considerable significance. It was an insight that would enable me to complete my life’s mission to help bring science out of the dead-end illusion of materialism by producing empirical evidence that the organizing feature that stabilizes physical reality is pure consciousness, proving that the logic of consciousness is the primary underlying form of reality.


The Truth is not owned by anyone. It is freely available for anyone to discover. However, I would be egregiously remiss if I did not express my gratitude to the Eternal Light of Primary Consciousness, the Source of everything, and to the line of Spiritual Masters and teachers who have been my guiding lights throughout my journey of many lives, inspiring every true vision and thought I had. They are Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Kabir, Plato, Maha Avatar Babaji Maharaj, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar Giri, Paramahansa Yogananda, The Aten incarnate: Amenhotep, Patanjali, Maitreya Buddha, and many other Fully Enlightened Beings. They are listed in no particular order here because they are all One with Primary Consciousness.


The Mathematics of the CoDD stable merging of combinations can be summarized in one mathematical expression. It is the doubly-infinite summation shown below, where m indicates the dimensional domain and n is the number of existential objects merging into the stable object represented by Xn+1 :



For anyone unfamiliar with this type of notation, it represents a double infinity of equations from which every combination theorem of the primary calculus can be derived. However, I will limit the demonstration and comments given here to an abbreviated presentation of the logical process that conveys order into chaos and led to the discovery of the existence of gimmel, in TRUE units, organizing every stable proton in every atom of the periodic table of elements.


The insight mentioned above was the realization that the proton paradox is easily resolved by expanding the system of existential logic to include a third form of the essence of reality that manifests physically as mass and energy. If the substrate of reality, i.e., the Akasha or zero quantum field is not composed of mass or energy, but pure consciousness which can manifest in a third form as well as mass and/or energy, then the proton can contain a combination of all three, producing a total number of TRUE units equal to a perfect cube, making it perfectly symmetrical and therefore virtually eternal!



Quark Merging Conveyance Equations

With Solutions Leading to Proof

of the Existence of Gimmel



Combination Equations




(X1)1 = (X2)1 → X1 = X2

Sequence of Identities



(X1)1 + (X2)1 = (X3)1                                                                               1 +1 = 2;   2 + 1 = 3;   3 + 1 = 4, …

Closure of Integers

With respect to Addition



(X1)2 + (X2)2 = (X3)2

Pythagorean Triples



(3)2 + (4)2 = (5)2

9 + 16 = 25

First Primitive

Solution of (2,2)



(X1)3 + (X2)3 = (X3)3

No Solutions (FLT*)



(X1)3 + (X2)3 + (X3)3 = (X4)3

CoDD Quantum Addition for (3,3)



(3)3 + (4)3 + (5)3 = (6)3                                                                  27 + 64 + 125 = 216

First Primitive

Solution of (3,3)



(1)3 + (6)3 + (8)3 = (9)3

1+ 216 + 512 = 729


Second Primitive    Solution of (3,3)



(24)3 + (38)3 + (106)3 = (108)3


Hydrogen Atom



* Fermat’s Last Theorem proved that there are no integer values for a combination of two quantized objects, but Diophantine integer solutions do exist for three quantized objects.

These Diophantine (integer) solutions of the conveyance equations, besides explaining why only three quarks can form stable nucleons and why protons are so stable, provide the exact number of TRUE existing in free and energy-shell electrons, up- and down -quarks, and in protons and neutrons. When the total TRUE units of mass/energy, and gimmel in each atom of the periodic table of elements is calculated, some very interesting patterns emerge. For example, the elements that are necessary for biological life, and those that are supportive of life, have higher concentrations of gimmel than those that are detrimental or destructive. See table below.

Evidence of Intelligent Design


(N = number of electrons)


TRUE Units


In TRUE Units


TRUE Units

Percent Gimmel


Relevance to


1 Hydrogen






2 Helium






3 Lithium






4 Beryllium






5 Boron






6 Carbon






7 Nitrogen






8 Oxygen






9 Fluorine






10 Neon






11 Sodium






12 Magnesium






13 Aluminum






14 Silicon






15 Phosphorus






16 Sulfur






17 Chlorine






18 Argon






19 Potassium






20 Calcium






21 Scandium






22 Titanium






23 Vanadium






24 Chromium






25 Manganese






26 Iron






27 Cobalt






28 Nickel






29 Copper






30 Zinc






31 Gallium






32 Germanium






33 Arsenic






*Rank of Relevance to Consciousness and Life: All of the natural, stable and semi-stable elements of the periodic table are necessary, to some degree, for the existence, maintenance, and spiritual evolution of organic life forms capable of receiving the vibrational frequencies and patterns of consciousness. This table ranks the first 33 natural elements from 1 to 5, 1 having the highest percentage of gimmel, the organizing feature of consciousness that makes intelligent life possible on this planet. Hydrogen is ranked #1 because it is Primary and essential, not only for the existence of biological life, but also for all other elements to form. Elements ranked 2 are necessary to support life, and Those ranked 3 and 4 play minimal roles, usually in compound combinations with other elements that mitigate or neutralize the negative and harmful or destructive effects that they would otherwise have on conscious organic life forms. Elements ranked 5 are lethal. It is also interesting to calculate gimmel percentage for biological chemical compounds. The DNA/RNA nucleic acid molecules score high percentages, as does water.


Every conscious being has a model of reality built up of experience-based memories and logical or fanciful extended images in his or her mind. Everyone tends to believe that his or her own personal conceptual model of reality is reality - until it clashes with existential reality in a way that becomes uncomfortable or even intolerable. Biological life provides opportunities for conscious beings to correct and improve their conceptual models of reality, and this process is called learning. From a point of view outside of your bubble of consciousness, the learning process is an expansion of the bubble of your personal conceptual beliefs about reality to contain more and more of actual existential reality. The goal and purpose of life is to expand your consciousness until it is congruent with existential reality. Until then, there will be problems and paradoxes.


During this lifetime, as I’ve reported in my autobiography, my Transcendental Physics blogsite, and elsewhere, memories of past lives and between-life experiences have surfaced because of the consciousness expansion due to my daily practice of the Kriya Yoga techniques. When an individual’s bubble of consciousness expands beyond the physical body, even temporarily, that individual begins to see more of reality and realize that the paradoxes of one multi-dimensional domain can be resolved in expanded higher-energy dimensional domains.



Consciousness is primary. Stable structure exists in physical reality only because of the presence of gimmel, the organizing function of consciousness. None of the dynamic forms of matter, energy, and consciousness, have any independent existential reality of their own. The forms and substances of reality are innately interdependent. We can’t have one of them without the others. This becomes obvious when an individual consciousness expands into the quantum and cosmic domains. If any part of reality - mass, energy, time, space, or consciousness - is left out of the mathematical description of objective reality, science is incomplete and the reality that we experience in the mid-range of observation and measurement is logically inexplicable. But, as part of the Akashic substrate of Primary Consciousness, your consciousness and mine is immortal, and the purpose of our existence is to expand our bubble of consciousness and light. We are immortals, on our way to becoming One with Primary Consciousness.